Be happier, more grounded and feel more comfort and safety in your home.
Have your home be a place that truly reflects your life’s intentions in your relationships, career, finances, health, etc.
Americans spend an average of 93 percent of our time in our homes and offices. These are often places of untapped power to feel more resourced and make deeper shifts in our lives. How do you feel in your home? Our subconscious is constantly reading our environment and providing us with messages about ourselves and our lives. Your possessions may unknowingly envoke certain memories and feelings. These feelings if positive can have a huge boost to our body, and if negative can be a drain on our energy and result in consistent negative mindset.
In Feng Shui, we use this to our advantage, seeing the home as a map and learning to read it. Together we can get clear about the messages you are wanting to receive about your life: love, health, money, reputation…and then use the tools of Feng Shui to ground those intentions into your space. We look at the artwork you are surrounded by, the places that naturally collect clutter, the areas of the house that are structurally cut off. We can use all that to gather information about what your house is telling you and then decide what shifts are priority. I will give you clear direction and suggestions, but as always it is up to you to feel what changes resonate.
Some examples of suggestions to shift the space:
new artwork or photos that are reflective of the type of life you are desiring
teaching you how to clear your space
getting clear on life intentions, writing those as affirmations, and putting them in areas of the house
moving mirrors out of certain areas
making a list of repairs needing to be made
defining areas that naturally attract clutter and disorganization
deciding on certain colors to incorporate into a bedroom
adding a symbolic statue, crystal and other symbolic objects to a “missing” part of the structure outside
Times you may want a Feng Shui Session:
deciding if you should buy a house
moving into a house or wanting to move from a house
engaging in therapy or body work and looking to align your therapeutic goals with your home environment
wanting to call in more love or a romantic relationship
wanting to feel safer, more grounded and comforted in general
going through a break-up or other relationship loss
feeling like you want movement with a health goal or another goal that has been stuck for awhile